
Avoid unnecessary loads on the vehicle

Carry cargo on the roof, such as boxes or roof racks, increases the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle. This causes it to consume more fuel. Gasoline consumption may increase between a 2% and a 17% on the road. Also, upload between a 6% and a 25% at high speed on the highway.

If possible, it is better remove cargo from roof when not in use. Thus, you can save fuel.


Get rid of extra weight

Avoid storing heavy things in your vehicle if they are not necessary. Each 100 pounds (45 kg) of extra weight can reduce a car's miles per gallon (MPG) by up to 1%. This decline is clearer in small cars than in large ones. Take off the weight you don't need can make your vehicle more efficient in the use of gasoline.

Reduce idle time

If you leave the engine running while the car is stationary, you will waste gas without moving. This can cost you a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour. Every engine is different, but in general, turning it off saves a lot of fuel, even if it's just for a few seconds.


Establish an anti-idling policy

Creating a rule in your company to avoid idling is good. You can set time limits to leave the engine on without moving the car. It is also useful to teach drivers why turning off the engine is important. This way, you don't waste as much gasoline unnecessarily.

There is also equipment that can help monitor this, such as telematics devices. They help you see how long you leave the engine running when it's not necessary. This way, it is easier to save fuel in your company.

cars that use a lot of gasoline

Driving aggressively, with strong acceleration and sudden braking, uses more gasoline. This can cause you to use up to 60% more fuel. These actions not only consume more, but also damage the car and force you to spend more money on repairs.

To improve this, it is good for drivers to learn smoother driving techniques. Technology helps too, with systems that monitor how you drive. Gamification, that is, the use of games to learn, can be very useful to make this teaching fun.

Aggressive driving and fuel consumption

Harsh driving, such as accelerating hard and braking suddenly, can greatly increase gas use. You can spend one more 60%. In addition, this damages the car and causes you to have extra expenses for repairs.

Driver training and gamification

It is key to teach drivers how to drive so as not to waste so much fuel. Gamification, which includes games and rewards, helps motivate them. Thus, we not only save on gasoline, but we also promote safer driving.

Route optimization

Finding the shortest and smoothest routes helps you use less gasoline. Bad roads, for example, cause you to use up to 4.5% more. Planning your routes well avoids these roads, saving money and protecting the vehicle.

Cars with High Gas Consumption – Complete Guide.

See also:


We explore why cars use a lot of gas, from how we drive to car problems. We show you ways to use less gasoline. This includes going slower, not carrying extra weight, not leaving the car running for too long, and choosing your routes well.

Doing all this well translates into saving a lot on gasoline. Plus, it helps take care of the planet. Saving gasoline is essential for your company to do well and take care of the environment.

To use less gas, drive carefully and take good care of your car. There are many ways to spend less and save. Follow all these suggestions so that they work as best as possible for you.