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Showing: 7 RESULTS
Terror en la Oscuridad: Fale Comigo - Los Susurros del Más Allá
Featured Suspense Terror

Terror in the Dark: Fale Comigo – Whispers from Beyond

Terror in the Dark: Fale Comigo – Whispers from Beyond. “Fale Comigo” is a horror and suspense film that follows the story of a young man who begins to experience paranormal phenomena after interacting with an ancient spirit communication artifact. The plot develops with unexpected twists and moments of tension…

El Protector: Capítulo Final - La Última Batalla por la Justicia
Ação Featured Suspense

The Protector: Final Chapter – The Last Battle for Justice

The Protector: Final Chapter – The Last Battle for Justice. “The Protector: The Final Chapter” is an action-thriller that follows intrepid former intelligence agent Robert McCall, played by Denzel Washington, on his latest mission. In this final installment of the saga, McCall finds himself facing his biggest challenge...

Spider-Man: Aventuras en el AranhaVerso
Ação Animation Adventure Featured

Spider-Man: Adventures in the AranhaVerse

“Spider-Man: Across the AranhaVerse” is an action, adventure and animated film that follows the story of several parallel universes where different people take on the role of Spider-Man. The plot centers on a young man named Miles Morales, who discovers his spider abilities and becomes the new Spider-Man of his universe after...

Oppenheimer: El Genio Tras la Bomba Atómica
Featured Historical Suspense

Oppenheimer: The Genius Behind the Atomic Bomb

Oppenheimer: The Genius Behind the Atomic Bomb “Oppenheimer: The Genius Behind the Atomic Bomb” is a historical thriller that explores the life and work of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American theoretical physicist known for his key role in the development of first atomic bomb during World War II. The plot continues…

Super Mario Bros: Aventura en el Reino Champiñón
Animation Comedy Featured

Super Mario Bros: Adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom

Super Mario Bros: Adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom. “Super Mario Bros” is an animated comedy film based on the popular video game of the same name created by Nintendo. Although there is no “Super Mario Bros” animated movie as of my last workout, I can give you an idea of what might…